British Columbia Registration Data - 1947

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Passenger Vehicle Registration Data

License Plate #'s
Issuing Office
1 - 20,000 Victoria
20,001 - 20,025 Atlin
20,026 - 22,075 Duncan
22,076 - 24,875 Nanaimo
24,876 - 26,145 Alberni
26,146 - 26,495 Cumberland
26,496 - 27,820 Courtenay
27,821 - 28,145 Fort Fraser
28,146 - 28,895 Pouce Coupe
28,896 - 29,595 Prince George
29,596 - 30,045 Prince Rupert
30,046 - 30,330 Smithers
30,331 - 30,480 Ashcroft
30,481 - 30,700 Golden
30,701 - 30,790 Field
30,791 - 32,150 Kamloops
32,151 - 34,070 Kelowna
34,071 - 34,205 Lillooet
34,206 - 34,320 Bralorne
34,321 - 34,545 Merritt
34,546 - 34,665 Clinton
34,666 - 34,690 Stewart
34,691 - 34,930 Quesnel
34,931 - 35,250 Revelstoke
35,251 - 35,825 Salmon Arm
35,826 - 35,955 Chase
35,956 - 37,755 Vernon
37,756 - 38,125 Armstrong
38,126 - 38,250 Enderby
38,251 - 38,520 Williams Lake
38,521 - 39,920 Cranbrook
39,921 - 40,295 Fernie
40,296 - 40,645 Natal
40,646 - 40,970 Grand Forks
40,971 - 41,120 Greenwood
41,121 - 41,205 Kaslo
41,206 - 42,355 Nelson
42,356 - 42,500 Castlegar
42,501 - 42,825 Creston
42,826 - 42,955 Salmo
42,956 - 43,105 New Denver
43,106 - 43,230 Nakusp
43,231 - 43,865 Oliver
43,866 - 45,365 Penticton
45,366 - 45,440 Keremeos
45,441 - 45,790 West Summerland
45,791 - 46,240 Rossland
46,241 - 47,640 Trail
47,641 - 48,240 Powell River
48,241 - 48,565 Princeton
48,566 - 48,655 Barkerville
48,656 - 61,655 New Westminster
61,656 - 64,155 Chilliwack
64,156 - 65,655 Mission
65,656 - 67,155 Abbotsford
67,156 - 99,999 Vancouver
A.1 - B.2000 Victoria
B.1 - B.7000 Vancouver


Commercial ("C") Vehicle Registration Data

License Plate #'s
Issuing Office
C1 - C9999 Vancouver
CA1 - CA999 Victoria
CB1 - CB999 Victoria
CC1 - CC999 Victoria
CD1 - CD999 Victoria
CE1 - CE999 Victoria
CH1 - CH999 Victoria
CJ1 - CJ999 Victoria
CK1 - CK999 Victoria
CN1 - CN700 Victoria
CN701 - CN999 Nanaimo
CO1 - CO30 Atlin
CO31 - CO680 Duncan
CO681 - CO999 Nanaimo
CP1 - CP380 Nanaimo
CP381 - CP730 Alberni
CP731 - CP825 Cumberland
CP826 - CP999 Courtenay
CS1 - CS200 Courtenay
CS201 - CS490 Fort Fraser
CS491 - CS999 Pouce Coupe
CT1 - CT365 Pouce Coupe
CT366 - CT845 Prince George
CT846 - CT999 Prince Rupert
CU1 - CU195 Prince Rupert
CU196 - CU415 Smithers
CU416 - CU500 Ashcroft
CU501 - CU690 Golden
CU691 - CU725 Field
CU726 - CU999 Kamloops
CX1 - CX485 Kamloops
CX486 - CX999 Kelowna
CZ1 - CZ585 Kelowna
CZ586 - CZ670 Lillooet
CZ671 - CZ745 Bralorne
CZ746 - CZ845 Merritt
CZ846 - CZ940 Clinton
CZ941 - CZ965 Stewart
CZ966 - CZ999 Quesnel
C1A - C135A Quesnel
C136A - C275A Revelstoke
C276A - C575A Salmon Arm
C576A - C645A Chase
C646A - C999A Vernon
C1B - C670B Vernon
C671B - C785B Armstrong
C786B - C875B Enderby
C876B - C999B Williams Lake
C1D - C145D Williams Lake
C146D - C870D Cranbrook
C871D - C999D Fernie
C1E - C60E Fernie
C61E - C195E Natal
C196E - C395E Grand Forks
C396E - C520E Greenwood
C521E - C570E Kaslo
C571E - C999E Nelson
C1H - C315H Nelson
C316H - C425H Castlegar
C426H - C700H Creston
C701H - C770H Salmo
C771H - C850H New Denver
C851H - C970H Nakusp
C971H - C999H Oliver
CIJ - C370J Oliver
C371J - C980J Penticton
C981J - C999J Keremeos
C1K - C30K Keremeos
C31K - C190K West Summerland
C191K - C490K Rossland
C491K - C790K Trail
C791K - C999K Powell River
C1N - C30N Powell River
C31N - C240N Princeton
C241N - C280N Barkerville
C281N - C999N New Westminster
C1P - C999P New Westminster
C1S - C999S New Westminster
C1T - C935T New Westminster
C936T - C999T Chilliwack
C1U - C785U Chilliwack
C786U - C999U Mission
C1X - C535X Mission
C536X - C999X Abbotsford
C1Z - C185Z Abbotsford


Trailer Registration Data

License Plate #'s
Issuing Office
1 - 2,740 Victoria
2,741 - 2,825 Alberni
2,826 - 2,840 Ashcroft
2,841 - 2,845 Barkersville
2,846 - 2,860 Clinton
2,861 - 3,045 Cranbrook
3,046 - 3,065 Creston
3,066 - 3,320 Cumberland
3,321 - 3,545 Duncan
3,546 - 3,595 Fernie
3,596 - 3,605 Fort Fraser
3,606 - 3,615 Golden
3,616 - 3,650 Grand Forks
3,651 - 3,670 Greenwood
3,671 - 3,785 Kamloops
3,786 - 3,800 Kaslo
3,801 - 3,984 Kelowna
3,985 - 3,990 Lillooet
3,991 - 4,010 Merritt
4,011 - 4,335 Nanaimo
4,336 - 4,465 Nelson
4,466 - 4,500 New Denver
4,501 - 6,400 New Westminster
6,401 - 6,465 Oliver
6,466 - 6,590 Penticton
6,591 - 6,640 Pouce Coupe
6,641 - 6,710 Powell River
6,711 - 6,735 Prince George
6,736 - 6,755 Prince Rupert
6,756 - 6,795 Princeton
6,796 - 6,815 Quesnel
6,816 - 6,845 Revelstoke
6,846 - 6,920 Rossland
6,921 - 6,995 Salmon Arm
6,996 - 7,018 Smithers
7,019 - 7,020 Stewart
7,021 - 9,170 Vancouver
9,171 - 9,485 Vernon
9,486 - 9,500 Williams Lake


Motorcycle Registration Data

License Plate #'s
Issuing Office
1 - 1,300 Victoria
1,301 - 1,325 Alberni
1,326 - 1,330 Ashcroft
1,331 - 1,335 Atlin
1,336 - 1,337 Barkersville
1,338 -   Clinton
1,339 - 1,363 Cranbrook
1,364 - 1,373 Creston
1,374 - 1,403 Cumberland
1,404 - 1,438 Duncan
1,439 - 1,448 Fernie
1,449 - 1,463 Fort Fraser
1,464 - 1,468 Golden
1,469 - 1,473 Grand Forks
1,474 - 1,475 Greenwood
1,476 - 1,515 Kamloops

1,516 -

1,517 Kaslo
1,518 - 1,587 Kelowna
1,588 - 1,589 Lillooet
1,590 - 1,591 Merritt
1,592 - 1,636 Nanaimo
1,637 - 1,666 Nelson
1,667 - 1,668 New Denver
1,669 - 2,068 New Westminster
2,069 - 2,083 Oliver
2,084 - 2,123 Penticton
2,124 - 2,138 Pouce Coupe
2,139 - 2,153 Powell River
2,154 - 2,168 Prince George
2,169 - 2,183 Prince Rupert
2,184 - 2,188 Princeton
2,189 - 2,190 Quesnel
2,191 - 2,195 Revelstoke
2,196 - 2,235 Rossland
2,236 - 2,245 Salmon Arm
2,246 - 2,250 Smithers
2,251 -   Stewart
2,252 - 3,451 Vancouver
3,452 - 3,486 Vernon
3,487 - 3,490 Williams Lake


Motor-Dealer Registration Data

License Plate #'s
Issuing Office
1 - 175 Victoria
176 - 185 Alberni
186 -   Ashcroft
187 - 188 Clinton
189 - 213 Cranbrook
214 -   Creston
215 - 224 Cumberland
225 - 236 Duncan
237 - 240 Fernie
241 - 245 Fort Fraser
246 - 247 Golden
248 - 252 Grand Forks
253 - 254 Greenwood
255 - 269 Kamloops
270 - 284 Kelowna
285 - 287 Lillooet
288 - 290 Merritt
291 - 310 Nanaimo
311 - 335 Nelson
336 - 405 New Westminster
406 - 410 Oliver
411 - 425 Penticton
426 - 440 Pouce Coupe
441 - 445 Powell River
446 - 455 Prince George
456 - 463 Prince Rupert
464 - 466 Princeton
467 - 469 Quesnel
470 - 474 Revelstoke
475 - 489 Rossland
490 - 494 Salmon Arm
495 - 497 Smithers
498 - 697 Vancouver
698 - 717 Vernon
718 - 722 Williams Lake


Motorcycle-Dealer Registration Data

License Plate #'s
Issuing Office
1 - 9 Victoria
10 -   Kamloops
11 - 12 Kelowna
13 -   Prince George
14 - 15 Rossland
16 - 25 Vancouver


Chauffeurs' Badges Registration Data

Class "A"
Class "B"
Class "C"
Issuing Office
1- 1,080 1 - 995 1 - 5,580 Victoria
1,081 - 1,130 996 - 1,065 5,581 - 6,080 Alberni
1,131 - 1,145 1,066 - 1,080 6,081 - 6,215 Ashcroft
1,146 - 1,147 1,081 - 1,095 6,216 - 6,235 Atlin
1,148 - 1,149 1,096 - 1,110 6,236 - 6,290 Barkersville
1,150 - 1,154 1,111 - 1,125 6,291 - 6,350 Clinton
1,155 - 1,189 1,126 - 1,140 6,351 - 7,120 Cranbrook
1,190 - 1,199 1,141 - 1,155 7,121 - 7,270 Creston
1,200 - 1,239 1,156 - 1,170 7,271 - 7,770 Cumberland

1,240 -

1,304 1,171 - 1,210 7,771 - 8,345 Duncan
1,305 - 1,349 1,211 - 1,220 8,346 - 8,630 Fernie
1,350 - 1,364 1,221 - 1,260 8,631 - 8,885 Fort Fraser
1,365 - 1,374 1,261 - 1,270 8,886 - 9,085 Golden
1,375 - 1,394 1,271 - 1,280 9,086 - 9,360 Grand Forks
1,395 - 1,396 1,281 - 1,285 9,361 - 9,490 Greenwood
1,397 - 1,446 1,286 - 1,330 9,491 - 10,115 Kamloops
1,447 - 1,456 1,331 - 1,335 10,116 - 10,175 Kaslo
1,457 - 1,501 1,336 - 1,370 10,176 - 10,950 Kelowna
1,502 - 1,516 1,371 - 1,425 10,951 - 11,175 Lillooet
1,517 - 1,522 1,426 - 1,430 11,176 - 11,285 Merritt
1,523 - 1,662 1,431 - 1,500 11,286 - 12,535 Nanaimo
1,663 - 1,775 1,501 - 1,585 12,536 - 13,660 Nelson
1,776 - 1,780 1,586 - 1,600 13,661 - 13,925 New Denver
1,781 - 2,295 1,601 - 1,860 13,926 - 18,425 New Westminster
2,296 - 2,330 1,861 - 1,870 18,426 - 18,655 Oliver
2,331 - 2,405 1,871 - 1,915 18,656 - 19,380 Penticton
2,406 - 2,455 1,916 - 1,950 19,381 - 20,530 Pouce Coupe
2,456 - 2,490 1,951 - 1,985 20,531 - 20,730 Powell River
2,491 - 2,530 1,986 - 2,030 20,731 - 21,305 Prince George
2,531 - 2,575 2,031 - 2,170 21,306 - 21,780 Prince Rupert
2,576 - 2,600 2,171 - 2,180 21,781 - 22,105 Princeton
2,601 - 2,610 2,181 - 2,195 22,106 - 22,280 Quesnel
2,611 - 2,615 2,196 - 2,215 22,281 - 22,425 Revelstoke
2,616 - 2,690 2,216 - 2,275 22,426 - 23,025 Rossland
2,691 - 2,700 2,276 - 2,290 23,026 - 23,340 Salmon Arm
2,701 - 2,705 2,291 - 2,315 23,341 - 23,530 Smithers
2,706 - 2,710 2,316 - 2,318 23,531 - 23,550 Stewart
2,319 - 2,330 23,551 - 23,560 Telegraph Creek
2,711 - 3,435 2,331 - 3,930 23,561 - 34,860 Vancouver
3,436 - 3,490 3,931 - 3,970 34,861 - 35,815 Vernon
3,491 - 3,500 3,971 - 4,000 35,816 - 36,000 Williams Lake


Misc. Registration Data

P.W. 1 - 800 issued from Victoria for motor-vehicles belonging to the Provincial Public Works Department.

There will be no special series issued in 1947 for the use of the Medical Profession.

In the event of Issuing offices requiring further allotments of passenger plates, these will be supplied in the usual manner.  However, if the ordinary numerical passenger sequence is exhausted during the licence year, Mainland points will be supplied with a series beginning with the prefix “H” (with the exception of Vancouver Motor Licence Office which will be allotted “B” and New Westminster Motor Licence Office and Sub-Offices which will be allotted “F”.  The alphabetical prefix for Vancouver Island being “A” as in previous years.

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